Cacao Ceremony
Cacao Ceremonies have become more and more popular in the past years. Many have joined a ceremony and experimented the subtil power of this beautiful plant medicine.
But exactly, what is a Cacao Ceremony and where does it come from?

If all are not agreeing on the date of the first discovery of Cacao, one thing is for sure, the plant and it’s seeds have been revered by people of Mesoamerica since more than 3000 years. Olmec, Maya, Toltec, and Aztec used Cacao not only as a plant medicine, but also as a food and currency.
Cacao was considered the ‘food of the gods’ by Maya people, a bridge between physical and spiritual worlds. It’s no coincidence if naturalist Carl von Linné baptized the cocoa tree, Theobroma Cacao in 1753 (greek for “food of the gods”).
That being said, we don’t have any traces of a specific type of ceremony and it would seem that no such thing as a ‘traditional’ Cacao Ceremony existed. During my research I uderstood Maya, for exemple, used Cacao in other ceremonies but not as a central piece in a one dedecated solely to it. It was, by instence, also used in conflict resolution between tribe’s chiefs due to the fact it’s heart-centered energy would promote a more emphatetic and comprehensive mood.
if Cacao Ceremonies are not and ancient indigenous tradition, where do they come from then?
Cacao Ceremonies as we know them today are relatively recents. Some give credit to Keith Wilson for being the one who brought back Cacao in the spotlight…
To make it short, arriving in Guatemala a good 20 years ago, he was guided by the Spirit (the Deva) of the plant and discovered “that high-quality pure Cacao, minimally processed, intentionally sourced and delivered, can open people’s hearts and guide them back into connection with themselves and one another”. That’s how he started to share this entheogenic* plant in his intuitive healing sessions to bring people in a space of open heart. And that’s also how the name of Chocolate Shaman has been given to Keith Wilson and Cacao Ceremonies to those shared healing moments.
But like all good things, you can imagine it’s not the making of only one man…
Many others crossed path with Cacao (or is it Cacao who crossed with them?) one way or another and, in turn, shared the medicine, sometimes as guides, sometimes as teachers. And, if the Spirit of Cacao itself can teach to those who commune with her (it is said the devas of the plants give there knowledge to shamans when they consume it so they get a better understanding of the way to use them for healing), wisdom keepers and shamans form different cultures shared and still share their knowledge with those called to help the sipirt of Mama Cacao touch as many souls as possible.
“The legend says the Spirit of Cacao would leave the forest to spread it’s magic on the world whenever the balance between Men and Nature would be threatened.
It’s goal is to open our hearts, restore harmony on the Planet, and help us reconnect to the sacred web of life.“
The purpose of a ceremony
According to my friend Wikipédia, “a ceremony is a unified ritualistic event with a purpose, usually consisting of a number of artistic components, performed on a special occasion.”
And that is, in fact, what comes to mind when we talk about ceremony: some rituals, and a specific protocol (some might even think about a big fire and whitches, but that’s another topic).
But what is the purpuse of a ceremony?
If we consider they have always been there, in one shape or another, in all times and all cutures, we could see ceremonies as something instinctive, necessary (almost like something vital, actually) to create a feeling of belonging and try to make sense of the world we live in.
Ceremonies usualy remind us there is something bigger than us. Whether you call it Universe, Energy, God or anything else, “what is essential is invisible to the eye” said a very wise man. They are moments of sharing, of connection, moments where we exchange with love, acceptance and gratitude, with support and kindness of the people there (I know I was talking about mesoamericans earlier, and if it was a part of their culture as well, you understand I’m not talking about anything realted to sacrificial ceremonies, right?!)

By it’s nature, quality and essence, Cacao is therefore the perfect plant to share in ceremonies. And if there is no tradition to follow, it’s just as good. This way Mama Cacao allows each facilitator to reconnect with his or hers gifts and share them with the participants. Maybe this freedom to adapt to the changes in societies, and to the new needs, is the key to not loose the connection to this heart medicine again. Maybe when we will have shared it with enough people, Men will manage to live in harmony (and why not?).
What happens during a ceremony ?

As I just explained, there is no such thing as tradition or specific shape for a Cacao Ceremony, which means each one can be different. Each facilitator has to freedom to explore, experiment, deepen, and refine their ceremonies whith time, and with skills they gradually add to their practices, depending on what they want to work on with the participants…
That’s why each ceremony (or journey as I like to call them) is unique, depending on the experience of your guide and the chosen theme. Some might take you on a shamanic journey, others will use breathwork, yoga, meditation, singing, sound healing…
And each ceremony will also be unique for yourself… Mama Cacao offers you what you need at the moment you connect to her energy and that’s why, even if you take part twice in the same ceremony, there is a good chance your experiences will be different. Same way we do, our needs are in constant evolution. A proof, maybe, we are walking on the path of healing.
My ceremonies
The journeys as I offer them to you are not always identical (rarely I shoul say) but will always begin by sharing a cup of Theobroma Cacao in order to let the magic happen. I invite you to set an intention at the start of ceremony, something you want to bring in your life or something you want to leave behind.
Cacao’s energy will promote a profound connection to our heart, to Earth and to the people around us. It will allow us to be more receptive to the pratices integrated in the ceremony and to deepen then. In general I blend serveral things, especially in group sessions. Depending on what we are working on, you can find meditation, mouvement, singing, introspection exercises (writting or others), practices to develop your creativity, sound healing…
When you take part in one of my ceremonies, you are entering a sacred space of sharing and kindness where eveything can be expressed without fear of beeing judged. Cacao is a beautiful tool to free stuck or repressed emotions, you might want to cry, to screem, to laugh… whatever comes up in our session, it is important for me you have the space to let your body and emotions speak.
Gratitude is one of the key words in my journeys as well. Gratitude towards Earth who’s offering us the plant medicine, towards the wisdom keepers who passed on their knowledge about Cacao (and so much more), and towards the people harvesting and transforming the fruits of cocoa trees so we can share the elixir resulting and connect to the Spirit of Cacao. But also gratitude towards you, for the trust you are showing me and for your presence. And last but not least, gratitude towards myself, for listening to my soul and finding my path. Do you find it strange for me to have gratitude for myself? Try it, you will see, it is important and so beneficial to thank ourselves for the good thing we bring into our lives.
In summary
Whatever shape it takes, a Cacao Ceremony is a return to the heart, an opporunity to remember our divine essence, the interconnectivity of all and our relation to the cosmos. A way to explore inside and reconnect to our self, our truth, to the essential and to Nature. Cacao is our guide, it comes along our path, ever so gently.
With Love & Light.
Book a group session (in french for now)
Book a private session (and/or enquire about organizing group session at your venue)
P.S : I know your are curious about the effects of Cacao on a physical and emotional level… I will be sahring an article about it soon.
* I discovered this word not lonhg ago and I do like it, so if like me, you didn’t know what it means: an entheogenic is a substance causing inspiration, sensation or feeling with spiritual or divine connotation.